Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Part II: of Bonus points;

Search all parts of this blog page, find a link to any other page and write an one page essay based on your opinion of the information provided.

You will find links on most entries, just place your mouse and you will notice the change from arrow head to a hand, this means a link is present.

The essay will be printed and handed in size 12 and Arial or Times New Roman with double space between sentences.

Important: include the code #

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Life is growing on you. Learn something of everything just in case.Drafting can help you in many task, just apply what you learn and your creations will turn out better looking.

For Students in Industrial Arts Class at
Ramírez - Hostos School only:

Copy This Code for a 10 point Bonus

Part I:
Code # 0411080508IANG2

Part II: Will be given by the Teacher